Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

General Update! :)

Well, here goes my "general" update! Christmas was amazing and alot of fun! After Christmas, we went to Berlin, Germany for 3 days to visit some friends! It was awesome! We saw some really cool things...the Berlin Wall, the Brandenburg Gate, and the largest department store in Europe!!!!! We also got to go to Toys"R"Us! Not to mention the amazing Starbucks and DUNKIN DOUGHNUTS! It was so much fun! 3 days was not enough though! After my little brother's 7TH birthday...we got a HUGE snow! Snow has been on the ground since January the 1ST! We have about 2 feet of snow and under that a layer of ice covering the ground! It is crazy! With all the snow, we have been able to go skiing several different times! It is alot of fun! I also got my hair cut and I had a basketball game! Our team won!!! I'll post a few pictures below of the past few months!!! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Pictures!

Here are just a few pictures of our snow here in Krakow!
Enjoy! :)