Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

General Update! :)

Well, here goes my "general" update! Christmas was amazing and alot of fun! After Christmas, we went to Berlin, Germany for 3 days to visit some friends! It was awesome! We saw some really cool things...the Berlin Wall, the Brandenburg Gate, and the largest department store in Europe!!!!! We also got to go to Toys"R"Us! Not to mention the amazing Starbucks and DUNKIN DOUGHNUTS! It was so much fun! 3 days was not enough though! After my little brother's 7TH birthday...we got a HUGE snow! Snow has been on the ground since January the 1ST! We have about 2 feet of snow and under that a layer of ice covering the ground! It is crazy! With all the snow, we have been able to go skiing several different times! It is alot of fun! I also got my hair cut and I had a basketball game! Our team won!!! I'll post a few pictures below of the past few months!!! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Pictures!

Here are just a few pictures of our snow here in Krakow!
Enjoy! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I decided for Halloween to have a party with some of our family friends! I planned the party and, it was really fun! We had a few games, snack, and we even went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood! Here are a few pictures!
Our pumpkins!Philip: Zoro, McKenna: football player, Claire: cheerleader!Group picture!Philip and his friend Truman wrapped up in toilet paper! hehe!Trick-or-treating!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Team Retreat and My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

September has been realllllly fun!!!!!!!! Last Friday we went to a place called Borowna with our entire Krakow team! Borowna is about 1 1/2 hours away from Krakow. It is also where we first found Milo! We were there from Friday until Sunday! I had alot of fun!!!!! Me and some of my friends camped out in tents!!!!! I also was able to celebrate my 12th birthday!!!!!!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! I had a great time! Below are some pictures!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Castle pictures!

At basketball camp we were able to go to the ruins of an old castle! It was really fun!!! We also were able to go to a big dam, and we went hiking!!!!! Here are some pictures!

My 3rd Polish Basketball camp!

On August 21-28, I was able to be at another basketball camp!!! We stayed at a really nice place, in a city about 2 hours away. The name of the city is Maniowy. I was rooming with 3 other girls, and it was alot of fun! There was an ice cream and pizza store close by too! We practiced twice a day (usually). For our meals, we had to walk (just down the road) to the town's Catholic church. In the back of the church, there were some apartment rooms. We were able to eat in a very small cafeteria type area. About 1 or 2 miles away there was a huge lake!!! A couple of the days we went "swimming!" I had sooooooo much fun!!!!!!!! Here are some pictures!!!!! Oh, I also got a new camera!!!! I was able to take pictures of our camp with it!This is the gym we practiced in! This picture was taken from our balcony!This is the big church!That was my bed!
I thought this would make a cool picture!These girls were are "neighbors!"We ordered some cheese pizza one night! Yummy! :)!These girls were in my room! Just goofing off! :PThis is the outside of our building!Cafeteria/type area!!!

This is Me and my other roommate eating!!!