Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Here are some random pics! Adorable Claire! I took this picture of a rose!
Philip, doing a painting!

These are pictures of the mountains in Zacopane.

More Mountains



Claire, being so cute as usual!That's my basketball practice.

This was an outfit I threw together for a Halloween party.

We invited 2 Polish families over!!!!!

Ebenezer in Prague!!!

I haven't written in quite some time.....sorry! We have been a little busy! I started school on Sept. 1, and soon after my grandparents came over for a visit. We had alot of fun including my 11th birthday! I had lots of fun, and I got a cellphone!!!!!! It's really cool and I like it. My parents and friends threw a surprise birthday party at a cookie shop that are friends recently opened. I had a great time! From Oct. 4th to the 9th we went to Prague to see all of our friends from FPO that are living in Central and Eastern Europe. I got to see Hannah and Larissa! We had so much fun. We stayed in a hotel called Olslanka. It was very nice, and I stayed in room number 21 on the 6th floor. The first day we arrived on the train, we dropped our stuff off at the hotel, then went to sight see! It was really cool. Just about half way over the Charles Bridge, we met some of our colleges! Hannah and Larissa weren't there though. That evening I got to see them at Youth Praha! The youth group was awesome!!!!! Afterward we went to the mall, and I went and spent the night with Larissa and Hannah! We had so much fun. One day we went to a castle in the country area of Prague. It was very nice, and before the castle was a village type area with shops. We got a turdlowe, which is a cylinder type of cinnamon roll! It was very tasty. I also bought a pink and white checkered scarf. One of the days we were able to go on a boat ride on the river and through a few canals. It was very enjoyable! Now Maw and Paw are here, but they are leaving today! :( We have had a wonderful time with them! Oh and another thing......i got some braces. But they are not very fun. I also had to get the expander for the 2nd time! :( I do NOT like it at all! I have braces on the bottom and in 4 months I will get braces on the top. Well gotta go!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Basketball Camp!!!!!!!!!!

I have recently been on a trip with my dad and with my whole basketball team (all Polish girls) that I am involved with here. We went to a basketball camp for 10 days and we stayed at a sport campground about 4 hours from Krakow. We rode on a very old bus, but I managed to survive the trip! The campground was called Banderoza and we were in a city called Guhoowazy. It was a very nice camp and I stayed in a room with 5 other girls. I already knew many of them but I did end up meeting a few new girls. It was like the first night that we arrived and the girls started teaching me Polish and I would teach them English. I learned quite a bit of Polish all in that night!!!!

We ate in a cafeteria for every meal. They served us breakfast at 8 am which usually consisted of bread and jam. Sometimes they would even serve kielbasa which is like sausage. We would eat lunch at 1 or 3 pm and we would always have either meat or fish with potatoes and soup. And for every meal we would drink Herbata (which is tea) or peach juice. We would eat dinner at 6 or 8 pm and it was either left overs or bread with jam. A few nights though we had noodles with a raspberry sauce on top. It was very good.

On the campground there was a small restaurant. They served small items like fries and hamburgers. But I like the ice creams they made. Also on the campus they had a swimming pool!!!!! I did go a few times but let me tell you about the temperature. The water came straight from the mountain!!!!!!!!! It was about 59 F but it felt like 20 degrees. IT WAS COLD!!!!!!!!!! But we did swim around some. They also had stables where they had 3 horses and 5 goats. I liked giving the horses apples from a nearby tree. I had to throw a rock up in the tree just to get one apple!

That is where we stayed for 10 days. Every day we would have basketball practice in a gym. We would practice 2 or 3 times a day. One wasn't really basketball practice, but it was agility training. We would either run through a forest nearby or go out in a field and do certain exercises. I did learn some new basketball tips and other things. It was good practice though. We also had a 1 game the day before we left. We lost. We were playing against all 12 year old girls and they were all really tall!!!!!!!

A few days we would not practice, and we would just have a resting day. One of the days we went to the Czech Republic in the bus and we visited a cave. The cave was very interesting but quite cold!!!!!! There were many unique rock formations. Another day we went to a Salt Room! It was very relaxing. They said it is healthy. It was just a room with reclining chairs, salt blocks, "pebble" looking salt, and small color lights. It had trickling water coming down the salt blocks. It was very nice!!!!!!!

So you can see how much fun the camp was. I had a great time!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures below!
This is my team. This is before we left Krakow.

These are two of the girls that were in my room.

This is the area of the campground were all the rooms are.

This is a rock formation in the cave we went to in the Czech Republic.

These are some of my Polish friends.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!!!!

We have been having a great time this summer and we have had soooooo many volunteer teams come from the States. About 2 weeks ago our team from Hixson came and we did a Roma camp and a camp in our own neighborhood. We had such a fun time. This week we had a team from South Carolina. They were from Charleston Southern University. They did basketball clinics in the morning and basketball games in the evening. Everyone treated them like super stars!!!!!! It was so cool. We got them to sign basketballs and tee shirts and they had even brought some cards over with their picture on it. We collected their cards and made them sign those too. It was great!!!!!!!

I will be starting school soon on September 1 and summer will be over. I have had so much fun with all the teams. It has been a busy, busy, busy summer but it has been great.
This is the Charleston Southern Basketball team.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Where to begin?!?!?

I have been living in Krakow, Poland for about 9 months now. We left our house in Chattanooga, Tennessee on August 4th and moved to Richmond, Virginia for 2 months to prepare for Poland. We arrived in Krakow on October 4th. We started working as missionaries and the work has been great. We have met all the families on our Krakow mission team. There are many kids and we have so much fun hanging out and playing. I love the city of Krakow and I have met many Polish friends. We have been very busy lately with teams who help out with the ministry. The teams have been doing day camps for about 2 hours each weekday except for Friday. It has been wonderful to have these people here! I need to go but before I do, here are a few pictures!!!!!!!!

This is me and Philip on the plane flying to Krakow.

This is the view from our balcony.

This is a girl party I had with the Polish girls in my building!!!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hi. This is my blog and I just wanted to say Welcome. When I get a chance I will write of my experiences. I hope you enjoy my blog and please write all the comments you want. Have a nice day! McKenna