Wednesday, February 4, 2009

December and January Update!

Ok! Soooooo sorry I haven't written on my blog lately!!!!! Well starting with December. Our Compass International Church is going great. We had a Christmas party at the church one night, and it was really great! Instead of playing the candy (or cake) walk (a game), we played the present walk! Philip, Claire, and myself all ended up getting gifts in the game! We sang Christmas songs and played some fun Christmas games. It was a great turn out! The night before Christmas Eve we had a big Christmas party with our colleagues in Krakow! It was really fun and we played white elephant! We ate Mexican and just hung out. It was soooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok enough ! points. You would get tired if I went on! Then...............CHRISTMAS DAY! We woke up that morning and as usual we had to wait in the back while Mommy got the camera. Anxious moments! We got some really cool gifts, and after we had opened every gift.....we ate good pancakes with homemade strawberry syrup! Yum! It was so delicious! The rest of the day we had fun playing with our new stuff and skyping grandparents and family!!! Christmas break was so relaxing, but you have to start school back eventually. :(! School is good though, and basketball is great! We have a game next Wednesday. We had a game on Thursday and we WON! It was in a town 2 hours away. It was really fun! For the January update.....We have just been hanging around doing the normal! Bball, school, and babysitting. Oh yeah I started babysitting for this nice lady named Justyna that my mom met here. She is Polish and has 2 girls, Marta is 3, and Magda is 1 1/2! Justyna tutors English at her house. While she is in one room I am in the other room with the girls! It is very fun baby sitting the girls!
Soon (on Feb. 15) Claire will turn 4! She is very excited! Also Daddy has a 3 on 3 basketball tournament this Saturday! He already has many teams signed up! On Thursday nights he also plays bball with a group of "street ballers"! It is going well for him and he has an average of 20 guys each time. I hope I can try to post some pictures on the blog as well. Hope you enjoy reading my blog!

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