Thursday, October 1, 2009

Team Retreat and My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!

September has been realllllly fun!!!!!!!! Last Friday we went to a place called Borowna with our entire Krakow team! Borowna is about 1 1/2 hours away from Krakow. It is also where we first found Milo! We were there from Friday until Sunday! I had alot of fun!!!!! Me and some of my friends camped out in tents!!!!! I also was able to celebrate my 12th birthday!!!!!!!! It was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!! I had a great time! Below are some pictures!

1 comment:

Carli said...

You are the MOST beautiful 12 year old there is (and smartest, and sweetest, and most creative, and most considerate, and most talented....I could go on forever).

I am so happy you had a good birthday. Camping looks SO fun.

I am so proud of you and love you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!