Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Paris, France!!! Plus Disneyland!!!

We went on a vacation for the first week of April! In Paris, France and disneyland! It was sooooooooo much fun!!! (just like you can see in the slideshow below!) We were able to meet characters in Disneyland to climbing up the Eifel tower! It was awesome and I was really glad we had the chance to experience FRANCE! I will try to be a little better with keeping up with my blog!!! Gotta go to a store!


Anonymous said...

hey mckenna! was it fun? my poland prject is due mon. (april 27)im almost done! i have a whole outfit put together from different clothes, a vest to display, a polish magazine, little figurines, a music box, and a little picture of that story of where that statue of mary bled when the soldiers cut it. talk to you soon, Aaron

Anonymous said...

Hi... just happen to cross your site... I see that you also love Disney... me too...

Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:

I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!