Thursday, July 23, 2009


Earlier this month, we had part of a softball team come to Krakow for one week! They did a kid's camp, where they were able to teach kids the basics of baseball/softball! It was really fun! They had an average of 30-50 kids come each day!!! Also one of our collegues has started a Krakow Tigers baseball. The girls were able to meet the guys and help teach basic baseball! On their free days, I helped show the girls around Krakow! It was really fun and I had a great time with them! Below are some pictures!The pastor's wife (who came with the softball girls) is a professional photographer. She was able to get these awesome pictures!Just some group pictures!!!
I think the girls were a little tired!During the kids camp, several of the basketball girls came to translate. It was really fun!


Carli said...

Thanks for the new post Kenna Lou! (As you can see I am falling short on our little "agreement")....I promise, I really will update Ada's blog SOON! I'm sure you're thinking "I'll believe it when I see it", right????

Love you!

Lou Arnold said...

Those are great pictures. Thanks for showing us around. We really enjoyed your company.