Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures of Greece!

This is the chicken pita I ate at the Greek restaurant!!!!!! YUM! These are my friends Kari, Falyn, and Jacqui!!!!! This is the view of the Acropolis from the hotel roof top!!!! Us on the bus touring around Athens!

This picture was taken before we went up to the top of the Acropolis! It was really DRY!Climbing up the Acropolis!!!!!

Amazing, Beautiful, and really cool!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wading in the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful sunset!!!!!!
Philip swimming like crazy!!!!

We had a program later that night!

I did a really short quartet in the program!This was outside of the cafeteria!We were able to get this picture right before we left!

We had this view from the airplane.


Our most recent trip was to...Greece!!!!! It was so amazing!!! We went for AGM (Annual General Meeting)! First we went to Athens, Greece for 2 days, and then we went to an island called Evia. The resort which we stayed at was a 4 star hotel! It was really nice. We had a very good time in Athens! As we were flying in, you could see the ocean and the land. It was really pretty! In Athens we stayed at the Oscar Hotel. It had an outdoor pool on the roof, and it had an amazing view! We could even see the Acropolis! One day we went to eat at this really cool Greek restaurant! I ate a delicious chicken pita!!! For our touring day, we rode around Athens on an open top, double decker tour bus! We sat on the top and by the end of the day I had a decent sun burn! We got to see many sights. We were able to climb up and see the Acropolis and the Parthenon! It had an awesome view of the city! It was really neat! Afterwards we got slushies, because it was really, really hot!!!! The next day we left to go to the island. Our colleagues paid to take a bus to the airport, but we decided to take the train! From the hotel to the airport was 1 hour ride. Then from the airport we would get a bus to take us to the island (which was about 1 and a half hour ride). On the train we met another family going to AGM. They have a 3 year old little girl and an almost 1 year old girl! We finally got to Evia (the island). We stayed in like a village house type thingy. The hotel had a huge (and I mean HUGE) pool! They also had another pool, and it was a salt water pool! Nearby was a rocky beach! It was a really nice area! (Oh, and the food and cafeteria were both really nice too!) We had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones! Greece was amazing and I had a Greek (great) time!!!!!

The Chicago part of the USA trip!

Chicago was awesome! We stayed at a church, and it was really cool staying there. We stayed there for 2 nights and just about 2 days. We went to a mall close by and we were able to tour around the city! I got to go up to the top of the Sears Tower! It was a great view. We also went to a park, and we sat by Lake Michigan. One evening we went to a WNBA game. It was really fun! Below are some pictures. This is just a really, really tall building!!!!!This is the Sears Tower!!!!!This is the view of Chicago looking from the top of the Sears Tower!!!!!McKenna A.K.A. Me!!!!Another View!I am standing in front of Lake Michigan!Beautiful!This is the team before the WNBA game started. Once it started, we had to move WAY up in the stands!
We got our picture made with Candace Dupree. She played on the Chicago Sky team. She has also played with the professional team in Krakow!!!!!!!We had a great time at the game!!!!!!!!!!

Tennessee pictures!!!!!!!!

This is when we were traveling with the team to the States! Philip was playing monster trucks with some of the girls!!!Me and Philip having fun at Grandmommy's with the water guns!!!!We visited our old house, and we had alot of fun jumping on the trampoline!!! I also got to see my friend Jenna!!!!!!!!!While at our grandparent's house, Claire learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!!We went to Ruby Falls!!!!!!Later, we took the girls to Ichiban!!!!! It was yummy!!!!!!!!!!!At our house we pet Duncan!!!!!!
Me and my cousin Hannah!Fun at the lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!More fun at the lake!!!!!!!! Jet skis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOME of the cousins!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing at Partyville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Me and Michaela!!!!!!!Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Claire with our new cousin Ada!!!!!!!!!!!!Me and my cousin Kiley!!!!!Me and my cousin Mayce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our USA trip!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't written in a while! April was a fun month with getting closer to the end of school! May was so much fun!!!!! I finished school a few days before our trip to.......TENNESSEE!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, Chattanooga, TN! We had been planning this trip for a while. My dad is the assistant coach for the 16 and 17 year old girls basketball here in Krakow. He had mentioned the idea to the coach about getting some basketball camps in and around Chattanooga for the girls to participate in! The coach loved the idea and thought it would be a great opportunity for all the girls. Through some sponsors, they raised enough money for 15 girls, 4 adults, and our family (of 5) to travel to the States! We stayed in the States for a total of 12 or 13 days! The girls were able to participate in a several different camps. They all had a great time! My family and I stayed with my grandparents!!!! It was so much fun getting to see family and friends!!!!! We also traveled to Chicago for 2 days. We were able to tour around in Chicago! It was sooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! Above are some pictures of the trip!!!!!