Monday, June 29, 2009

Tennessee pictures!!!!!!!!

This is when we were traveling with the team to the States! Philip was playing monster trucks with some of the girls!!!Me and Philip having fun at Grandmommy's with the water guns!!!!We visited our old house, and we had alot of fun jumping on the trampoline!!! I also got to see my friend Jenna!!!!!!!!!While at our grandparent's house, Claire learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!!!We went to Ruby Falls!!!!!!Later, we took the girls to Ichiban!!!!! It was yummy!!!!!!!!!!!At our house we pet Duncan!!!!!!
Me and my cousin Hannah!Fun at the lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!More fun at the lake!!!!!!!! Jet skis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOME of the cousins!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing at Partyville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Me and Michaela!!!!!!!Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me and Claire with our new cousin Ada!!!!!!!!!!!!Me and my cousin Kiley!!!!!Me and my cousin Mayce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dennis Massengale said...

Mimi and I really renjoyed having you guys at home again! We're proud of all of you... it's unreal how you kids have grown up! We love you, and we're looking forward to getting to Poland early next year!
Papa and Mimi