Monday, June 29, 2009

The Chicago part of the USA trip!

Chicago was awesome! We stayed at a church, and it was really cool staying there. We stayed there for 2 nights and just about 2 days. We went to a mall close by and we were able to tour around the city! I got to go up to the top of the Sears Tower! It was a great view. We also went to a park, and we sat by Lake Michigan. One evening we went to a WNBA game. It was really fun! Below are some pictures. This is just a really, really tall building!!!!!This is the Sears Tower!!!!!This is the view of Chicago looking from the top of the Sears Tower!!!!!McKenna A.K.A. Me!!!!Another View!I am standing in front of Lake Michigan!Beautiful!This is the team before the WNBA game started. Once it started, we had to move WAY up in the stands!
We got our picture made with Candace Dupree. She played on the Chicago Sky team. She has also played with the professional team in Krakow!!!!!!!We had a great time at the game!!!!!!!!!!

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